Constipation & Bowel Regimen On Call: Constipation & Bowel Regimen Table of Contents Causes of Acute ConstipationManagement & Bowel Regimen Causes of Acute Constipation General Postoperative CausesNarcotic Pain MedsGeneral AnesthesiaGeneral Inflammation (From Trauma or Infection)Electrolyte ImbalanceFluid ImbalanceHyperglycemia or HypoglycemiaProlonged InactivityIleus*See IleusSmall Bowel Obstruction*See Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO)Chronic Constipation & Large Bowel Obstruction*See Constipation & Large Bowel Obstruction Management & Bowel Regimen General ManagementConsider Making the Patient NPOConsider an Abdominal X-Ray to Evaluate Bowel Gas PatternStart/Increase Bowel RegimenAvoid Using Laxative if Complete Bowel Obstruction is SuspectedUse of Laxatives for Partial Bowel Obstruction Not DefinitiveAvoid Offending Agents (Opioids, Dopamine Antagonists, Anticholinergics)Monitor ElectrolytesConsider placing an NG TubeIleus Prevention*See IleusTypes LaxativesDietary FiberLaxativesBulk FormingOsmoticStimulantStool SoftenersEnemasDosing*See Bowel Regimen – PharmacologyGeneric Bowel RegimenStart with Polyethylene Glycol (MiraLAX) Once DailyThen: Add Senna 2-Tabs Twice DailyInstead Use Colace if Stimulant Laxatives are Contraindicated (Recent Anastomosis)Then: Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia)Instead Use Lactulose if Magnesium Hydroxide Contraindicated (Renal Failure)Then: Add Bisacodyl Suppository DailyThen: Add Enema Daily