Stomach: Gastritis
- Definition: Inflammation Associated with Gastric Mucosal Injury
- Multiple Classification Systems Controversial
- Inflammatory Changes
- Acute – Neutrophilic
- Chronic – Mixture of Mononuclear Cells (Macrophages, Lymphocytes & Plasma Cells)
Chronic Gastritis
- Type A
- Cause: Autoimmune – Antibodies to Parietal Cells & Intrinsic Factor
- Site: Fundus
- Causes Pernicious Anemia, Achlorhydria & Gastric Atrophy
- Type B
- Cause: H. pylori Bacteria
- Site: Antrum Predominantly
- Type C
- Cause: Chemical Gastritis from NSAIDs, Alcohol or Reflux of Duodenal Contents
- NSAIDs Inhibit Cyclooxygenase Reducing Mucosal Prostaglandin Synthesis – Causes Reduced Blood Flow & Reduced Bicarbonate/Mucin Secretion
- Site: Antrum & Body
- Cause: Chemical Gastritis from NSAIDs, Alcohol or Reflux of Duodenal Contents
Stress Gastritis
- Inflammation that Occurs 3-10 Days After a Stress While in the Hospital/ICU
- First Seen in Fundus
- Greatest Risk Factors: Coagulopathy & Prolonged Ventilation
- Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis (SUP) Indications:
- Major Criteria:
- Coagulopathy
- Mechanical Ventilation > 48 Hours
- History of GI Ulcer/Bleed Within the Last Year
- TBI, Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury or Burn Injury
- Minor Criteria (≥ 2):
- Sepsis
- ICU Stay > 1 Week
- Occult GI Bleeding for ≥ 6 Days
- Steroid Therapy
- Major Criteria:
- Dx: EGD & Bx
- Tx: PPI (Omeprazole or Pantoprazole/Protonix)
- PPIs are Better Than H2 Blockers (Famotidine/Pepcid)
- H. pylori Tx: Mn
- Triple Therapy
- Clarithromycin
- Amoxicillin/Metronidazole
- Quadruple Therapy
- Bismuth
- Metronidazole
- Tetracycline
- Test for Eradication 4 Weeks After Completion of Therapy
- Best Test: Urea Breath Test
- Must Hold PPI 2 Weeks Prior to Test
- Triple Therapy
Gastritis 1
H Pylori Treatment
- Triple Therapy: CAMP
- C – Clarithromycin
- A/M – Amoxicillin or Metronidazole
- P – PPI
- Quadruple Therapy: TB caMP
- T – Tetracycline
- B – Bismuth
- MP – Same from Triple CAMP
- Tatsis V, Peponi E, Papadopoulos G, Tsekeris P, Fatouros M, Glantzounis G. Subtotal gastrectomy for diffused hemorrhagic gastritis induced by radiation, following liver resection for hilar cholangiocarcinoma. A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2016;18:30-2. (License: CC BY-NC-ND-4.0)