Heartburn & Indigestion On Call: Heartburn & Indigestion Table of Contents BackgroundManagement Background DefinitionsIndigestion (Dyspepsia) – Uncomfortable Feeling of Fullness, Pain or Burning in the Upper AbdomenSymptoms:Heartburn – Acid RefluxBloatingNauseaAbdominal PainCausesGastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Stress/AnxietyDietCaffeineChocolateSpicy FoodsFatty/Fried FoodCarbonationTobaccoAlcoholOver EatingPeptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)GastroenteritisCeliac DiseasePancreatitisGastroparesisPregnancyCholelithiasis Management Bloating ReliefTreat Any Underlying CauseAvoid Dietary Triggers – Low FODMAPs Diet Often RecommendedAvoid Carbonated DrinksSimethicone (Gas-X) – AntiflatulentMechanism: Decreases Surface Tension on Gas Bubbles to Better DisperseDose: 40-125 mg After MealsHeartburn – Acute Management & Immediate ReliefElevate the Head of the Bed – Prevent AspirationAvoid Dietary TriggersAntacids to Provide Rapid ReliefTums (Calcium Carbonate)Rolaids (Calcium Carbonate & Magnesium Hydroxide)Maalox (Aluminum Hydroxide, Magnesium Hydroxide & Simethicone)Mylanta (Aluminum Hydroxide, Magnesium Hydroxide & Simethicone)Alka-Seltzer (Aspirin, Sodium Bicarbonate & Anhydrous Citric Acid)*See Anti-Reflux Medication PharmacologyConsider Adding a PPI or H2 Blocker for Sustained Relief if IndicatedChronic Management & GERD Work Up*See Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)