MUT Y Homolog (MUTYH)-Associated Polyposis (MAP)

Raphael Moore, MD
The Operative Review of Surgery. 2023; 1:122-125.

Table of Contents

Pathophysiology and Presentation


  • Mutation in MUT Y Homolog (MUTYH) Gene 1
    • Formerly Called the MYH Gene
  • Autosomal Recessive 1


  • Characterized by 10-100’s of Colorectal Adenomatous Polyps 2
    • Can Also Develop Hyperplastic and Mixed Polyps 2
    • Often Right-Side Predominant (29-69%) 3-5
  • Risk or Colorectal Cancer:
    • 43-63% by Age 60 2
    • 80-90% Lifetime without Timely Surveillance 6,7

Extracolonic Manifestations 2

  • Duodenal Polyps (17-34%)
    • Duodenal Cancer (4%)
  • Gastric Polyps (11%)
    • Gastric Cancer (1% – Not Significantly Higher Than the General Population)
  • Bladder Cancer
    • 6-8% in Females
    • 6-25% in Males
  • Ovarian Cancer (6-14%)
  • Endometrial Cancer (3%)
  • Breast Cancer (12-25%)
  • Unclear Associations:
    • Thyroid Cancer
    • Desmoid Tumors
    • Pancreatic Cancer
    • Epidermoid Cysts

Diagnosis and Management


  • Diagnosis Confirmed by Genetic Testing

Screening/Surveillance 8

  • Colonoscopy Every 1-2 Years, Starting at Age 25-30 Years
    • May Consider Starting Earlier at Age 18-20 Years 9,10
  • Upper Endoscopy Every 3-24 Months, Starting at Age 30-35 Years
  • Annual Physical Exam and Thyroid Ultrasound

Indications for Colectomy 8

  • Absolute Indications (2015 ACG Guidelines):
    • Documented or Suspected Colorectal Cancer
    • Significant Symptoms
  • Relative Indications (2015 ACG Guidelines):
    • Multiple Large Adenomas > 6 mm
    • Significant Increase in Adenoma Number on Consecutive Exams
    • Adenoma with High-Grade Dysplasia
    • Inability to Adequately Survey the Colon Because of Multiple Diminutive Polyps
  • Prophylactic Colectomy Generally Not Indicated

Other Colorectal Cancer and Polyposis Syndromes


  • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)
  • Lynch Syndrome
  • Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome (JPS)/Familial Juvenile Polyposis
  • MUT Y Homolog (MUTYH)-Associated Polyposis (MAP)
  • Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS)
  • Serrated Polyposis Syndrome (SPS)
  • PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndromes: (PHTS)



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