Skin & Soft Tissue: Anatomy & Physiology
Skin Layers
- Epidermis
- Dermis
- Subcutaneous Fascia (Hypodermis)
- Layers: Mn
- Stratum Corneum – Thickest & Outermost Layer
- Stratum Lucidum – Present Only in Thicker Skin (Palms & Soles)
- Stratum Granulosum
- Stratum Spinosum
- Stratum Basale (Stratum Germinativum)
- Basement Membrane
- Cell Types:
- Keratinocytes
- Primary Cell Type of the Epidermis
- Originate in the Basal Layer
- Produce Keratin & Secrete Lipids to Form a Water Barrier
- Melanocytes
- Derived from Neural Crest Cells
- Produce Melanin & Transfer it to Keratinocytes
- Skin Tone is Based on Melanin Production
- Melanocyte Density is Generally Similar
- Langerhans Cells
- Dendritic Cells (Antigen Presenting Cells)
- Merkel Cells
- Sensory Receptors for Light Touch
- Highest Density in Fingertips
- Keratinocytes
- Layers:
- Papillary Layer – Outermost Layer Just Deep to the Basement Membrane
- Made of Loose Connective Tissue with Loosely-Packed Collagen
- Dermal Papillae – Extensions into the Epidermis that Form Papillary Ridges (Fingerprints)
- Reticular Layer – Deeper Layer
- Made of Dense Connective Tissue with Densely-Packed Collagen (Provides Strength
- Tensile Strength Provided by Type I Collagen
- Papillary Layer – Outermost Layer Just Deep to the Basement Membrane
- Sensory Nerves:
- Pacinian Corpuscle: Sense Deep Pressure
- Meissner Corpuscle: Tactile/Low-Frequency Stimulation
- Ruffini Corpuscle/Ending: Sense Sustained Pressure & Warmth
- Krause End-Bulbs: Sense Cold
- Sweat Glands:
- Eccrine Sweat Glands
- Distribution: Everywhere but Highest in Palms/Soles
- Secretion: Aqueous Fluid for Cooling
- Secrete Directly onto the Skin
- Apocrine Sweat Glands
- Distribution: Axilla, Groin, Gluteal & Inframammary Folds
- Secretion: Cloudy Thick Sweat Mn
- Secrete into the Pilary Canal of Hair Follicles
- Inactive Prior to Puberty
- Eccrine Sweat Glands
- Langer’s Lines – Topological Cleavage Lines that Define Tension
- Correspond to Collagen Alignment in the Reticular Dermis
- Often Used in Making Surgical Incisions
Subcutaneous Tissue (Hypodermis)
- Primarily Used for Fat Storage (Adipocytes)
- Also Contains Nerves, Blood Vessels & Lymphatics
Layers of the Epidermis 1
Layers of the Dermis 2
Contents of the Dermis 3
Langer’s Lines 4
Layers of the Epidermis
- “Come, Let’s Get Sun Burned”
- Corneum
- Lucidum
- Granulosum
- Spinosum
- Basale
Apocrine vs Eccrine Sweat Glands
- Dirty Apes (APE-ocrine) Stink
- Haggstrom M. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-SA-3.0)
- OpenStax College. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-3.0)
- Blaus B. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-3.0)
- Goran Tek-en. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-SA-4.0)