Spleen: Splenic Tumors

Splenic Tumors


  • Most Common Benign Tumor & Most Common Overall
  • Tx:
    • ASx & Small: Observe
    • Sx or Large: Splenectomy

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

  • Most Common Malignant Tumor
  • Tx: Chemotherapy


  • Highly Aggressive Tumor of Blood Vessel Endothelium
  • Most Common Parenchymal Malignant Tumor
  • Tx:
    • Isolated: Resection
    • Metastatic: Chemotherapy

Other Benign Tumors

  • Lymphangioma
  • Hamartoma
  • Littoral Cell Angioma
  • Inflammatory Pseudotumor
  • Lipoma

Splenic Hemangioma 1

Splenic Angiosarcoma 1


  1. Fotiadis C, Georgopoulos I, Stoidis C, Patapis P. Primary tumors of the spleen. Int J Biomed Sci. 2009 Jun;5(2):85-91. (License: CC BY-2.5)